
Home » Aesthetics Surgery » Body Area » Hidradenitis


Axillary and inguinal hidradenitis / surgical treatment and damage tissue substitution

This is an extremely disturbing pathology that mainly affects the sebaceous and sweat glands on the axillary and inguinal regions even though they can also appear in the perineal area and the upper area of the back and neck.

 This is particularly frequent if you have oily skin and it can be noticed due to a swelling and infectious chronicle process of those areas.
In its first stages of the hidradenitis is treated by our team with topical treatments as well as with antibiotic medication with very good results. However when the swelling/ infection process becomes chronicle, and they develop true functional limitations in the patient, the reconstructive surgery is the best alternative in this situation.

 Dr. Aparicio and his team , substitute the damaged tissues by carrying out a radical surgical cleanliness and simultaneously a cleanliness from the tissues of the injury adjacent areas. With this, when we completely remove the damaged skin and replace it by healthy one, without the presence of a damaged glandular system ( sebaceous and sweat ) , we get to give the life quality deserved back to the patient.

 It is important to clarify that given surgical complexity of these procedures, it is fundamental an individualised preparation and a study , as well as a wide discussion of the therapeutic possibilities for each case.

Characteristics of the hidradenitis correction:

Duration of the procedure Approx. 3 hours
Anesthesia General
Hospitalization Depending on the complexity and surgery between 2 and 5 days
Return to work life Depending on the physical activity between 30 and 60 days
Results Immediate and final after 8 weeks
Special Care Thorough hygiene and care in the area with specific antiseptics


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